Saturday, February 19, 2011

My poor little kitty

So I took the cat in yesterday to be spayed, it went well. But the cat came home super groggy, and kept wanting me to love on her through-out the night. Not a problem, but this morning I checked her tummy and she had chewed off all her stitches, so back in I went. They put a staple in her now and all is well so far.

They recommended I get a cat cone collar so after driving all over the place I found one. My cat hates the stupid thing and fights it to the point that I am worried she may hurt herself more trying to get the thing off than just letting her chew the staple. Needless to say that we didn't make it to the gun show with my poor little kitty needing me. Hubby and 2 boys went to a few gun shops and looked around though.

 I picked up a bunch of tp and paper towels and Pyrex storage bowls and mixing bowls yesterday. Also bought a new electric can-opener, and a nice set of stainless steel knives. Looked at a sewing machine which a new one is a 1000x's better than the 3 ancient ones I have that all seem to have at least 1 major thing wrong with them.

So the late skill this week is on Sunday I am going to make my own velveeta cheese and then can that turning it into home-made cheese-whiz. I will post some pictures of that late Sunday night.

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